Sunday, May 9, 2010


As I have sat down to write in my blog this year, I have noticed that I don't have quite as much to write as I did last year. I know that part of this is due to callousness. I tend to see odd things often and don't think much of them after a while. Certain things may not stick out as they did before. However, just this week I was reminded of something that is hilarious. Sometimes Haitians give their kids some crazy names. Now, I am not here to make fun of names that are unfamiliar to me, names that I haven't heard of before, or anything like that. Yes, I think it is strange when someone has twins and they name them Mike and Michael. I don't quite get it. I asked someone once why they do that. I'm thinking, "They're twins so people are already going to get their names mixed up." The answer I got was, "They're twins!" as in, "Why wouldn't you?". So, that is a bit strange to me, but that isn't what I want to write about either. The thing that I was reminded of today is that some kids here have the names of famous people. That's right. This week, Brad Pitt enrolled as a preschooler. I'm not talking about first name "Brad", last name "Pitt". I'm talking about a student with the first name of "Brad Pitt". Yes, both words are his first name. I don't know how I forgot to write about this before because we have a Beyonce and Jay-Z in our school already. Why not Brad Pitt? I heard that Maria Carey lives in our neighborhood, but doesn't go to our school. This is the daughter of one of our aides at Sonlight from what I heard. Maybe she will go to our school in a few years. I assume she is too young, but as I said, I am not quite sure who this is. I think those are the only "celebrities" we have in our school, but I'll be sure to let you know if there are any others that I missed. Sorry that I haven't mentioned this before as it is quite commical. Oh, and sorry to say, you cannot sponsor Brad Pitt if you were thinking about it. One of the teachers here has already put the request in. I wish I had thought about that sooner! Come to think of it, I think Brad Pitt should sponsor Brad Pitt.