Sunday, May 16, 2010


This past week was fairly uneventful. We had a group in from Illinois and a group from Colorado. They were the last two groups to visit for the year as we only have two weeks left! Time has been going by very quickly these past few weeks. This week is the last week for the Seniors with their graduation next Sunday afternoon. They have one week less than everyone else because if they went through to the very end we wouldn't have time to have a ceremony for them. We are usually busy the last week of school as we are putting things away, tearing down our classrooms and putting everything away in storage for next year. We also spend a lot of time packing things up in our house. We have to make sure that all of our dry goods are packed well so we don't get bugs or mice in our food. We also have to cover everything up to keep the dust off as the house will sit empty for about two and a half months. On top of that, we also have to pack all of our bags for our return trip home. Having graduation on the last Friday would be a bit too much to handle and most likely wouldn't go well. We would be rushed to put it together and would have to put everything away completely in order to fly out first thing Saturday morning (we get up at 4:30AM).

After graduation this next Sunday, we will finish up our last week of classes (which only go through Thursday). Friday the 28th is a workday and then we return on Saturday! I am excited to see everyone. It doesn't seem like school lasted very long this year, however, I will say that it seems like it has been a long time since I have seen my friends and family. It will be good to be back home to see you all.

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