Sunday, February 28, 2010


This week had been fairly uneventful. School has been going by normally, which is nice for a change. When I moved here, I expected to have difficulties with daily life as it's a third world country, however, I didn't think I would appreciate a normal week of school so much. I am amazed at how quickly this year is going by. We only have three more weeks of school before the third quarter is finished. It's strange to think that we only have one more quarter after this and I'll be done with my second year here.

I am glad that American Airlines has started flying again. Tuesday, John was able to come back here. He left with Carmen and Isabella (Bella) a few weeks back to finish their adoption process. Since they aren't quite sure when everything will be final, John came back as he is greatly needed here. I am also excited that my girlfriend will be visiting in two weeks. Lindsey will be the second person to fly in (our first visitor) since the earthquakes. I am excited for her to see all that I enjoy here; the students, the people of Haiti, and our amazing staff!

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