Sunday, October 25, 2009


I don't have too much to write today, but I did see one of the funniest and most odd things in church today. I was sitting in about the middle of the room in a folding chair. I had looked up a row and all the way down to the left at one of our fourth graders, Dacheka (pronounced Dashka). She was holding a regular size sheet of white paper. No big's just a sheet of paper. That's when I read the title which was printed in large enough print for me to read from about 10 seats away. I didn't know what to make of it. It read, "Diffusing Land Mines" Now, first of all, I didn't think that was a problem in Haiti. Second, if anyone has instructions on how to diffuse a land mine, should it really be one of our 4th graders? Let me reassure you, that is not what we are teaching our students.

So, I got to thinking. Maybe it's a play on words. A funny title to a worksheet she got in class. Maybe it was a sheet about how to diffuse others when they are angry. How to treat them nicely and be kind. How to calm them down. I didn't know....I was just having a hard time understanding why she would have had this sheet.

Later, I saw her teacher, Miss Brook. I asked her if she had given her a funny sheet in class. She said she didn't, so now I sit wondering. Why did one of our students have a "Diffusing Land Mines" sheet? Why was she handing it to her 7th grade brother, and then to her mom, and back and forth? I think it is the funniest thing....considering that we don't have land mines here. So, I thought.

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